Easy Chiller & Cooling System *

This equipment is extremely effective in chilling brine. for use for chilling meat proteins at safe processing temperatures as well as effectively cooling cooked liquids and sauces to a process temperature.
The Easy chiller is designed to assure smooth passage of the most delicate products while sanitary blades scrape product from the super cold surface that is chilled by plant refrigeration - ammonia, freon or glycol. Under all conditions, our Easy chiller can meet your strictest process chilling requirements

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  • Chills fish, meat & protein while processing. Multi purpose cooling system
  • Chilling tower: Vertical or horizontal
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • User-friendly touch screen. Internet connection
  • Easy adjustable settings. Many different sizes
  • Energy efficient
  • Reliable system
  • Reduces risk of contamination
  • Easy to clean & sanitize
  • Built to customer specification



Easy Chiller Easy Chilling Easy Chiller  


Easy Chiller & Cooling system